HUMAN ORIGIN - a scienceART installation to touch and play -
I am proud to announce that my ScienceArtInstallation is
presented in the Deutsches Museum Bonn. Imbedded in their “Wolfgang Paul – Der Teilchenfaenger
“ exhibition my 2mx2m puzzle shows the human aspect of big science
collaborations. My artwork “human origin” shows on one side my photo of the CMS
detector and on the other side 144 portrait photos of colleagues working on CMS
and LHC. One has to know that big science collaborations like CMS or Atlas have
between 3000 and 40000 collaborators working on the detector and data analysis.
The artwork “human origin” allows mixing the science instrument with the people
dedicating all their passion to the success of these amazing projects.
The exhibition in the German Museum Bonn is on until August
28th . My ScienceArtInstallation will enlarge the exhibition on LHC in
the WELIOS science centre in Wels/ Austria from September 4th.
Idea & Concept : Michael Hoch / CMS
realization&mechanical concept: Joerg Brandenahl, Ralph Burmester/ Deutsches Museum Bonn