Sunday, 24 August 2014

our Art@CMS collaborators from UAL and Shoreditch get a original collision on Ar film from 1969 CERN fixed target experiment

These films were the records of paricle tracks with an bubble chamber registrated in 1968 at CERN
collisions took place each 10 seconds - historic material -
now data is taken in CMS with a rate of 40 000 000 / second
not on Ar film ;)
Follow also the OURconCERN blog of this workshop :

Saturday, 23 August 2014

some CMS & CERN impressions of our Art@CMS guests from the University of the Arts London and Shoreditch

CMS, SM18, LHC control room, AMS have been visited
a lot of issues have been discussed
some photos have been tacken
more you may find at :
 the OURconCERN blog of this workshop :


Friday, 22 August 2014

our conCERN presentation and discussion session in Building40 at CERN

Our conCERN team presents ideas/ reflections/ thoughts/ concerning CERN / CMS issues and impact to science and society.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

our conCERN team visits Alan Parkinsons Architecture of Air structure in Gex / France

To raise all senses before entering the cathedrals of modern science the CMS caverns and halls in Cessy France we visit on other interesting art space in neighbouring village Gex.

Architects of Air by Alan Parkinson & Co