Monday, 30 September 2013

CERN open DAY @ CMS - LHC P5 Saturday 28th Sunday 29th

Working Saturday and Sunday from 7h30 to 22h30 to make the event a big success!
We had more than 6000 visitors on site. 5454 people visited the CMS experiment in the UXC55 underground experimental cavern. 3026 just on Sunday !
me in our CMS exhibiton tent infront of my detector photos hang in large fromat from the ceiling :)

The CMS Guest book I designed got many entries :)

Daniel Denegri giving a physics talk to the public in SX5 were my artworks were presented as well.
Working for the OpenDay and having fun with Catharina infront of the LHC tunnel poster

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Rushing back from Como to Geneva to support and participate the contemporary Dance Art performance at CERN LHC P5 – CMS

QUANTUM form Gilles Jobin is on our stage ! on the plug of SX5 (the CMS assembly building) access shaft 100m above the real CMS Experiment and next to our life size back drop (by the way the ultra-high resolution CMS life size photo a product of myself and my friend Max Brice;-)

QUANTUM life at CMS each evening from September 23rdto 27th and on the CERN open Days Saturday 28th /
Sunday 29th in the morning 11h and afternoon 15h

My Artwork of my series ‘Natural Science’ and the artwork of Xavier Cortada are surrounding the stage J

good audience and respons for my Art@CMS presentation

Now hitting back home, tomorrow full speed preparation for the CERN OpenDay (September 28th & 29th) as well as further QUANTUM shows each evening !

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

my talk at the 14th ICATPP Conference Talk ToDay in Como


'Art@CMS and Science&Art@School a Novel Education and Communication Channel for HEP Topics'

The CMS collaboration sets up a new communication and education project at the intersection of science and arts to inspire and engage public and students in particle physics. Two programs, Art@CMS and Science&Art@School, aim to reach and engage via multiple and different channels than those by standard outreach events. Art@CMS is a collaboration with professional artists to trigger a dialogue between the LHC scientific world and the art world. Science&Art@School brings high-school students from the arts and sciences together in an interdisciplinary workshop to explore how researchers and artists work and view each other’s world. Results of events, collaborations and workshops will be presented to demonstrate the concept in practice and to show how cross-disciplinary learning can strengthen the dialogue between the LHC community and society.

Monday, 23 September 2013

ToNight World Premiere of QUANTUM @ CMS , CERN / LHC-P5

 Art Dance Performance QUANTUM each evening from September 23rd - 27th from 19h30 to 20h15 followed by a visit to CMS in the experimental (UXC55) cavern 100m below ground for our guests from the FORUM Meyrin - Geveva / Switzerland

Sunday, 22 September 2013

arrival in COMO for the 14th ICATPP

Participating in the Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors for Physics Applications. Villa Olmo, Como 23-27 September 2013

My talk is scheduled in the plenary session on September 24th 18h10 to 18h50

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

more mechanical work ahead before creative work will take over ;-)

finished all 1m stripes of my artworks for the London and Bonn exhibition

some more mechanical details to finish

preparation of  Al support #6 [1m x3m] two more are needed

Monday, 16 September 2013

Production line for my artworks :)

For my exhibition in the ‘Deutsches Museum Bonn – WissenschaftsZentrum’ I have foreseen 6 artworks 3mx1m ....

full speed production line of my artworks - many more creative night shifts are needed  ;-)

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Art @ CMS

Rehearsal for Quantum @ CERN LHC-P5 CMS

Collide@CERN artist in resident 2012 presents at Art@CMS CERN P5 - QUANTUM - a production for Gilles Jobin - Geneve
Choregraphie Gilles Jobin
Installation luminocinethique Julius von Bismarck
Musique Carla Scaletti
Photos by Michael Hoch