Tuesday, 24 September 2013

my talk at the 14th ICATPP Conference Talk ToDay in Como


'Art@CMS and Science&Art@School a Novel Education and Communication Channel for HEP Topics'

The CMS collaboration sets up a new communication and education project at the intersection of science and arts to inspire and engage public and students in particle physics. Two programs, Art@CMS and Science&Art@School, aim to reach and engage via multiple and different channels than those by standard outreach events. Art@CMS is a collaboration with professional artists to trigger a dialogue between the LHC scientific world and the art world. Science&Art@School brings high-school students from the arts and sciences together in an interdisciplinary workshop to explore how researchers and artists work and view each other’s world. Results of events, collaborations and workshops will be presented to demonstrate the concept in practice and to show how cross-disciplinary learning can strengthen the dialogue between the LHC community and society.

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